「One Love Project」クラウドファンディング


Followed by English translation (added on 12 May 2020)





株式会社Freewill(CEO:Toshi Asaba) は、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染拡大に伴い影響を受け、失われかねない各国の文化保護プロジェクトを近日開始予定です。

「One Love Project」という名前 のもと、自社のグローバルクラウドファンディングサービス「SPIN」を活用して、世界各国からご支援・寄付金の募集を開始します。本プロジェクトは、日本を始め、中国・タイ・ロシア・アメリカなど世界各国の文化保護 活動を支援していく予定です。

新型コロナウイルスの影響は、第二次世界大戦以後、人類が経験している最大の危機であるといわれ、 事実、これまでにない困難に多くの人が直面しています。








弊社は、シリコンバレーに姉妹会社を持つIT企業です。 Sustainable Eco Society(持続可能なエコ社会)の実現を目標とした「SPIN」を含む3つのソーシャルサービスを昨年2019年12月にリリースしました。

「SPIN」は、日英翻訳機能がついたグローバルクラウドファンディングサービスで、地球に残すべき「才能」 を世界中から支援することができます。また、ブロックチェーン技術やスマートコントラクトを用い、助成先や 寄付金の流れが支援者の皆様にきちんと「見える化」される仕組みとなっております。「才能」の持つストーリーを知って頂き、皆様からの寄付がどのように役立ったかもレポートされます。

新型コロナウイルスに打ち勝つためには、真にグローバルにつながり、世界中の人々が手と手を取り合い貢献し合う、「One Love 」という考えが必要であると信じています。

最先端IT技術と世界中のネットワークを駆使し、本プロジェクトを成功させたいと考えています。 皆様からの寄付ができる準備が整いましたら、改めてお知らせいたします。



「One Love Project」クラウドファンディングの概要






※通常、「SPIN」はプロジェクトオーナーの皆様が自由にプロジェクトを立ち上げることができるサービスです が、今回はFreewill社がオーナーとして寄附金を集めるプロジェクトです。それにより、保護を必要とする皆さ まにスムーズに資金をお届けします。



株式会社Freewill 広報事務局 白木 賀南子(しらき かなこ)

〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山一丁目4-5 VORT青山一丁目Dual‘s301






“One Love” Crowdfunding Project


Gathering support from around the world

to protect various cultures threatened by COVID-19



This is an announcement that Freewill Inc. (CEO – Toshi Asaba) will soon kick off a project that aims to protect the cultures of various countries that are at risk of being lost due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


We chose the name “One Love” because this project is conducted using our original global crowdfunding service, SPIN, to assemble support and donations from around the world. This project will assist cultural protection activities in Japan in addition to China, Thailand, Russia, America and other countries.


It is said that there has been no event more devastating than COVID-19 since World War II.  There has never been this many people in need of aid due to this pandemic crisis. That is why we feel that it has never been more important to 



Prevent the disappearance of cultures

that should be passed onto future generations.



Freewill Inc. is comprised of members from over 17 countries and it is our mission to promote the globalization of Japanese culture. That is why we have decided to contribute to the continuation of treasured cultures of countries all around the world through supporting important activities that protect the arts, music, animals and education. 


Freewill Inc. is an IT company that has a sister company in Silicon Valley. In December 2019, we released three services including SPIN that all have the objective of realizing a Sustainable Eco Society.


SPIN is a global crowdfunding service equipped with a Japanese-English translation function that makes it possible to gather support from around the world for Talents that should be preserved. Additionally, SPIN uses blockchain and smart contract technology for maximum transparency with regards to how donations are being used, and exactly to who they are going to. You can read about the stories of these Talents and receive reports on how the donations that they received have impacted and changed their lives for the better on SPIN.


In order to overcome COVID-19, we believe that it is vital that people worldwide come together as one to contribute to the fight against the pandemic. In other words, approaching this crisis as “One Love”.


We will capitalize on the latest information technology and global network to ensure this project’s success. We will update our website with more details about how you can participate when they are confirmed.



 “One Love” Crowdfunding Project Overview  



  • Type: Donation
  • Donation method: By credit card after registering an account on SPIN (
  • Beneficiaries: Cultural organizations in various countries including Japan, China, Thailand, Russia and America.
    *Under regular circumstances, anyone from the general public is able to become a project owner on SPIN. However, in the context of our One Love project, Freewill Inc. will act as the project owner and be in charge of gathering donations in order to ensure that the money will reach the people who need them as swiftly as possible.


[For PR Enquiries]

Freewill Inc. Public Relations Office SHIRAKI Kanako

VORT Aoyama 1-Chome Dual’s 301

1-4-5 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan 107-0061

TEL: 03-6721-1840


Freewill Inc. Website: